Open House at Acorn Gallery

November 22, 2014
Fine Art Collector's Sale...50% off

Fine Art Collector’s Sale…50% off

Painting With Raney

July 25, 2014

We have now filmed our third Episode and each one is getting better!  You can actually LEARN to paint!!!IMG_0979

We have three seats for sponsors to purchase and donate for a “student” to participate, and have fun they do!

See Episodes and more on my You Tube channel “Raney Rogers”…..let’s go paint and party!IMG_0995

Being an Artist

January 27, 2012

…..means that you have no control over your need to create….to express… delve in and truly feel…to expose your emotions to the universe, without knowing how you will be received.

What is healthy mind?

January 27, 2012

A compassionate mind.

Dalai Lama

Winter Musings

January 25, 2012

Strange, as there is not much winter to muse about.  Perhaps the focus should be more on the consistency of living.  The seasons are around us, but not in us.  Perhaps the Appalachian winters have been so brutal the last few years that we have a reprieve.  That would be nice.  After all, what giddiness prevails when we are walking on a sunny, balmy January afternoon enjoying the weather and getting in some excercise and fresh air as well?  The birds were even singing this morning.  On the day my daughter was born twenty-seven years ago it had been snowing for a week and no immediate relief was forecast.  Ahhhhhh, today is a good day.

Merging of art and soul

January 8, 2012

We are now filming our first episode of the “Art and Soul Network”, which is a program about creativity of the mind, body and soul!

Our website will be coming soon where you will be able to view video and order art instruction DVDs!!!  …..All meant for fun and learning!

Coming Soon….the Art and Soul Network, featuring the art of Raney Rogers, artist interviews, demos, Q&As, and soul inspiring creativity.

February 10, 2011

Historic Black Bear Inn

February 10, 2011

Readying for the upcoming season opening April 15, 2011 for weddings and special events.

Prayer for the Gulf….

June 17, 2010

As a devotee of the science from Dr. Masaru Emoto, I am forwarding the prayer he has sent out from his site for everyone to direct towards the Gulf and this horrendous oil spill AND to let us all know that we CAN do something……

“I send the energy of love and gratitude to the water and all living creatures in the Gulf of Mexico and its surroundings.  To the whales, dolphins, pelicans, fish, shellfish, planktons, corals, algae and all living creatures….I am sorry, please forgive me, thank you.  I love you.”

Spring at last!

March 23, 2010

This week has been the perfect welcome to spring!  Now that our cumulative 90 inches of snow has melted and one can finally see the ground, it seems that, with the emergence of jonquils and crocus, there is yet hope in the air.  According to one of our locals, there is still a “bean in the jar”, which means that there is still one more snow lying in wait out there.  He could be wrong, but probably not. 

I am working in the gallery most days now, we have almost finished the move from our farm to the Inn and plans are being made for the opening day of “RSVP”, the name of our business.    Currently, my home studio is cluttered with boxes, half erected easels, brushes and paints everywhere!  So much going on and now we can finally proceed without freezing.